Although I have made many zines in the past, this was the first time I made one digitally- it was also the first time I have creatively used Photoshop as well as my very first time in Illustrator. For this project as a whole, I wanted to explore the vast array of concepts that cause confusion in this world. On a personal level, life has been a twisted mess of obstacles left and right with no time to breath. I have learned time and time again that life does not stop for anything- so we must keep going, we must keep trying. In the midst of coping with the loss of a dear friend, taken way too soon, I have been left to question everything. I've been forced to view things in new lights and continue on day after day as best I can. I've began to see the beauty of this universe in its entirety- space, time, me, you, love, hate, life, and death, even as it is painful. As opposed to questioning whether there is a purpose of the universe, I have put my faith in there being a purpose- a reason- why I'm here, why you're here, why we met, why they're gone, why good things happen, why bad things happen, why there is still air in our lungs and blood in our veins. There must be a reason for all of this- this crazy universe that could just be a crazy figment of our imagination- there must be a purpose with it, in it, for it. My zine explores this concept.
